The population is about 68.5 million and increasing at a rate of about 2.5 percent each year.
Tehran has been the capital of Iran for less than two hundred years in which time it has grown from a village to a city of an estimated 13 million people. Most of the population growth has occurred in the years after the revolution, causing over rapid expansion and an enormous strain on urban services. The poor tend to congregate in the southern part of the city, while the more affluent live in an area stretching from the city northwards for about 10-12 kilometres to the foot of the Alborz mountains. Traffic and pollution are growing problems. UAGE
The official language is Persian (Farsi), written in a script derived from Arabic. English is not widely spoken outside hotels and airlines.
Shopping, obtaining taxis and other everyday functions generally require a basic knowledge of Farsi. NG AND CURRENCY
The currency is the Iranian Rial (IRR). The "Toman" (10 rials) is the monetary unit commonly used. Prices are usually quoted in Tomans. The official exchange rate is approximately IRR 9085 to one USD and 6818 IRR to one AUD.
Credit cards and travellers cheques cannot be used. Visitors are advised to bring US dollars or EURO cash. All notes should be in good condition and USD should be dated after 1996. There are no ATMS linked to foreign banks.
Tourists should avoid currency exchange touts offering to change hard currency at black market rates. Such activity is illegal and currency should only be changed at authorised offices and banks.