General information Population : 3,163,500
Area : 647.5 square kilometers
Official languages : Malay, Chinese (Mandarin), Tamil and English
Head of state : President
Head of government : Prime Minister
Legislature : President and Parliament
Executive : The elected President
Judiciary : Supreme Court and the Subordinate Courts.
National economy
Gross national product : 143,981.3($m), 1999
Per capital income : $36,979, 1999
Growth rate : 5.4, 1999 Imports : 188,141.6 ($m), 1999
Exports : 194,289.6 ($m), 1999
Trading partners : US, EU, Malaysia , Hong Kong and Japan
Ethnic Composition : largely descendants of immigrants from the Malay Peninsula , China , the Indian sub-continent and Sri Lanka
Infant Mortality : 3.2 (Per 1,000 Population), 1999
Life Expectancy : Males : 75.6 Females : 79.6, 1999.