General information
Capital : Seoul
Population : South Korea - 44.6 million (2000); North Korea - 25 million (1997)
Area of korean peninsula : 221,607 sq km - similar in size to New Zealand and the UK
Area of south korea : 99,237 sq km with 70% being mountainous
Number of islands : Approximately 3,000
Official languages : Korean
Currency : Won (US$1= 1050 W)
Main cities : Seoul , Pusan , Taegu , Inchon
National slower : Mugunghwa or Rose of Sharon
Form : Democracy
Independent : 1945
Head of state : President : No Mu Hyun
Head of government : President
Legislature : Gook-hwa (National Assembly)
Executive : President
Judiciary : Supreme Court (Highest Court)
National economy
Livestock : Cattle, pigs, chickens
Mining : Cement, iron, coal, lead
Industries : IT products, Cell Phone, Computers, electronics, automobiles, shipbuilding, steel, textiles
Main exports : IT products, Cell Phone, Computers, electronics, automobiles, shipbuilding, steel, textiles
Trading partners : China , United States , Germany , England , Japan , Canada
People ethnic composition : 99% ethnic Koreans.