Official name : Republic of Uzbekistan
The Republic of Uzbekistan is bordered by Kazakhstan to the north, Turkmenistan to the south, Kyrgyzstan tIslam is the main religion of Uzbekistan and Uzbek is the official language. The country's capital, Tashkent , is the most modern and prosperous city in the region.
Basic Information
o the east, Tajikistan to the south-east and Afghanistan to the south.
Short name : Uzbekistan
Official name : Republic of Kazakhstan
Short name : Kazakhstan
Capital : Astana
Area : 2,717,300 sq. km
Population : 16,731,303 .
Anthem : We are a valiant people, sons of honour Written by Muzafar Alimbayev, Kadyr Myrzaliyev, Tumanbai Moldagaliyev and Zhadyra Daribayeva
Religions : Muslim 47 percent, Russian Orthodox 44 percent, Protestant 2 percent, Others 7 percent.
Languages : Kazakh (Qazaq) is the state language spoken by nearly 40 per cent of the population. RInternet Resources ussian is the official language spoken by around 65 per cent people.
This is the website of Kazakhstan's President. It provides extensive information on Kazakhstan |